Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I have been working sense I left home to go into the military and only recently, within the last 6 months, was laid off for the very first time – I have never been without a job before. There were several transitions that occurred when this one event took place. One, I had to transition from breadwinner to dependent basically, a situation I have not been in since high school. The second transition was from making very good money, to making none. These two transitions sound the same, but actually the feelings, thought processes, and affects were different. The third transition that occurred is that I went from working to going to school full time. I have never been a full time college student. I have always worked full time and then would go to school part time, which is how I received an Information Systems Management degree (A.S). So, now I am in school full time with a lot of other students who are very much my junior. One event, three transitions, but I feel I am dealing with them as well as can be expected.

Change is going to happen and although I was a bit despondent initially after I was notified I would be laid off, I did the only thing I could think of to squelch my disappointment; I came up with a plan and executed it. I was enrolled in UWRF for the spring before my last day (December) had even hit – I was enrolled by the end of the summer. For me, dealing with these transitions meant taking action. After the tail-spin they threw me for, I needed to feel I was in control of my future and that this company had not taken that from me.


  1. I think it's great that you decided to return to school. One of my extended family members was laid off two years ago, and I know it really hurt him, both emotionally and financially. Initially, he was optimistic about finding a new job, but when he didn't get one, he became depressed and lost motivation to continue trying. I admire you for controlling your future and taking action. Good luck in school and in a new career!

  2. That's pretty baller actually. As a get closer and closer to my idealized self I find myself in a state of determination and almost a defiance against my own fear of what my come. I enjoy the way you described what to do. However, my next step is just under that of action and execution, it is organization. Right now, especially as I experience new life experiences and responsibilities, my brain is as scrambled as this mornings eggs (which were delicious by the way). Thanks for kicking ass!

  3. I think this is very couragous of you to take this difficult situation head on and deal with it. There are many unexpected events that will occur in our lives and I think that there is only one way to deal with them without stressing yourself bald--and the way you handled this is the way I hope to handle the unexpected in my future! Congrats for you and the decision to go back to school!
